![[Deb’s Diary] Personal Note From Deb: “You Don’t Need That Pizza!”](https://old.coachdeb.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Screen-Shot-2017-01-06-at-1.20.25-AM.png)
[Deb’s Diary] Personal Note from Deb: “You don’t need that pizza!”
Today I’d like to take a moment to NOT talk about business and social media.
Instead, I’d like to share a moment with you from this past month that has made a big impact on me. I hope in sharing these mini stories from my personal life, that you’ll also take moments away from business to think about what gives your life meaning, and what inspires you to do great things in your business and your personal life to make a greater impact on the people and the world around you.
It started off a typical day. I was prepping to jet to the gym with my workout buddy and lift weights at 24 Hour Fitness, taking one of my favorite classes: Body Pump. It’s a structured weight lifting class set to cool music (typically) so you get your Cardio burn along with your muscle building.
Then, it took a sad turn… Perhaps disappointing is the more appropriate emotion.
You see, I did something stupid. Ya’ know the thing you know you’re NOT supposed to do… but can’t resist the urge to do it anyway?
After a month of being consistent with my workouts, from weight lifting classes to pilates to participating in a boot camp program, I was feeling great and seeing the positive results in my waistline and abs, so I was looking forward to seeing how much weight I had lost.
Confident I lost at least 5 lbs, I decided to meet my buddy in the class after I took a pitstop on the scale.
BIG mistake.
My smile quickly turned to dismay as I saw the scale didn’t budge. Not a pound from when I started my fitness routine. Whaaaa??? This seemed impossible! SonOfa… I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to class where my smiling friend was waiting, stretching by his weights.
Starting off your workout in a bad mood is never a good way to start the class, much less your day. But I was committed to pressing forward to lose the 15lbs I put on during my summer in Texas. (I know, weird, this is usually the season you take it off, not hide in the AC to avoid the heat.)
Well it seemed the forces were not with me this morning, because the first song our instructor decided to play during our squat routine… was THE saddest breakup song in the history of breakup songs by Adele. In fact, if you google Top 10 Breakup songs, you’ll find Adele is right there at #4.
Needless to say, I lost my momentum, my will power, my energy in those 3 minutes of torture, thinking how I’m just not getting the results I want, and my head was getting filled with additional sad thoughts that this song stirs up in you if you’ve ever gone through a heart breaking experience in your life — like the loss of your best friend for almost 20 years.
flip this house
My thoughts took a downward spiral, thinking of my recent divorce, and saying goodbye to the man who called me his best friend for the past 2 decades. I counted how many Sunday brunches we shared (#780), how many trips on the bike we made through the Pennsylvania mountains, and all the trials and struggles we overcame to grow our business and real estate empire to a level of success we were both pleased with; giving us an amazing life in Hawaii, with our home overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Realizing another girl simply stepped into my old life as soon as our relationship ended, and was playing with the dogs we raised since they were puppies, and living in one of our old flips with my dogs became almost unbearable. Surreal thoughts and I knew I had to snap out of it for my own sanity and just get back to working out.
Let’s just say, Adele was NOT helping.
Luckily, I was working out with my buddy Ori Bengal, one of the funniest, quirkiest friends in Austin, and he quickly flipped my mood, laughing at his “That’s what she said” antics, making inappropriate jokes just as the blasting music came to a screeching halt. DOH!
Thank God for funny friends, eh? Ori was my Life Saver that morning.
But later that night is when a major transformational shift in my thought process occurred. It was after the Internet Marketing Party when a few of us left to grab a slice of pizza at the famous Roppolo’s across the street from SIX Lounge where the party was held.
Knowing I certainly shouldn’t be eating pizza… especially this late at night… but also feeling like it just didn’t matter either way what I did, because the scale wasn’t moving one way or another, I figured, what the heck, I’ll break bread with my friends and have a slice.
After slight confusion over the pizza order, each person getting theirs a few minutes apart, I noticed in the corner of my eye a friend of mine handing his slice to a couple who asked if he would buy them some food. He didn’t hesitate, blink or debate, he just handed over his slice (even though I knew how hungry he was) to this couple who asked. We’ll call this couple Mr. & Mrs. Valencia.
I was so moved by this random act because he didn’t hesitate. He saw a couple who was hungry and just followed his instincts and handed his pizza to them. That’s when I decided this was the perfect time to give up my pizza to my friend who just demonstrated such compassion, (and since I really didn’t need it anyway, right?)
Then I just shared a few bites with my friend as “Mr. & Mrs. Valencia” sat across from us at the picnic table enjoying their pizza. As we chatted with this couple, it was obvious they knew more about the world we live in than most people who just wander around not thinking, to and from their jobs.
This couple had a genuineness about them and such sweet spirits, as they were getting through one of the toughest times in their lives, begging for their next meal, yet keeping their dignity in tact. I thought, wow, they really love each other, and they have nothing. Nothing but what’s real and lasting in this life. True, enduring love for each other… and for life. They were so pleasant to talk with, that suddenly I was no longer aware of my own sadness, or even my surroundings.
All of a sudden, there was a transcendent moment I would never forget. I was imagining being with Mr. & Mrs. Valencia all dressed up in a Tux and an evening gown at a 5-star banquet party, as we all shared stories and laughed around the round table. And I wondered… how many people that pass this couple on a daily basis on the streets of Austin, Texas even realize how special and sweet this couple was… or if they simply judged them and ignored them because of their circumstances?
Let’s just say, having dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Valencia transformed my entire day. My perspective on life shifted, and I realized just how good life was and how good I had it. The next day, I sat at my desk in my hi-rise apt, and started writing this post.
Looking out the windows at the Capitol building and all the other tall buildings buzzing with activity from the people inside them, I wondered how many people were just existing… instead of truly living and pursuing their passion in life? How many of them were grateful for the food on their plate and the air conditioning that kept them comfortable in the blazing, Texas heat?
I’m also happy to report (as I come back to this blog a few weeks later… debating if I’d ever share it with my readers in such a public forum)… that the scale finally DID move!
This whole experience got me thinking about how this weight loss process relates to business growth. It’s seasonal. You plant in one season, and reap in another. Patience is required, and the ability to keep pressing forward — even when you’re working harder than ever, and not seeing immediate results. Trust me… results will come. In due time.
The scale WILL Move… you just need to keep on doing the things that will get you the results you want. In time, you’ll see the transformation you are working for.
In the meantime, take a look around you and count all the different things you’re grateful for. Knowing you’ve got an awesome life and it’s only getting better and better! The only thing that sometimes stands in our way of getting everything we want… is time.
I hope my personal story has touched you in some way… whether you’re going through a challenging time yourself, or know someone who is. Or perhaps you’ve got your own story that will encourage someone going through a tough time.
If either of the above hits home for you — please share your thoughts in the comments below.
I love hearing who’s actually reading my new personal diary entries, now that I decided to be a little more transparent with my friends and clients who read my blog on a regular basis for the social media tips I share here.
So tell me what you think. Or share a goal you’re working for, so the community will help hold you accountable. Leave you comment below…